The Ivy League Is Canceling Fall Sports, That Could Be Bad News For Everyone Else

data-mm-id=”_s4i66xaa6″>The Ivy League is set to cancel all fall sports in a move that could reverberate nationwide. Sources: Ivy League programs have been informed that fall sports have been cancelled.The conference will not entertain any sports being played until after January 1st.Winter sports will have an update in mid-July on their respective practice schedules.— Jon Rothstein (@JonRothstein) July 8, 2020The conference won't entertain any sports competitions until after January 1. That obviously means several winter sports that begin during the fall will have shortened seasons on top of the fall sports disappearing for the year. That's an enormous move, and the Patriot League could be following closely behind. Ivy League schools don't rely on the money generated from sports as much as other schools do, so this may not directly lead to other conferences doing the same thing. That said, you can bet schools across the country will look at this as a sign things may wind up going this way nationally. The major conferences are likely too invested in big-time athletics to do this. They seem hell-bent on playing football this fall and likely need the money too badly to delay the season. That said, some individual schools in a better financial positions could wind up opting out. There are options on the table. Fall sports don't have to be canceled, they could be delayed until the new year instead. Or conferences could decide to cancel non-conference games to cut down on travel. A lot could be accomplished with creative thinking. Honestly, whatever happens needs to be agreed to nationally. You can't have the SEC playing fall sports while the Pac-12 waits a few months to open up. The NCAA needs to lead on this issue and, frankly, a decision has to be made soon. We're in July and college football is supposed to kick off in late August. There isn't much time left to formulate a plan..

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